Penny for your thoughts

Feel free to share your observations, feedback about my photographs by sending a message.


Encouraging words…

"Adnan Onart's photographs momentary halt life as it flows all around, and all through us. People talk of a photographer having "a good eye." Adnan has a good heart, and the skill to still bright moments before they are out of sight.

”Rev. Stephen Kendrick, First Church Boston


Encouraging words…

A daily bus ride alongside history; fluid night in the rainy city;  a riddle of schoolchildren; a shadow as hologram--Adnan Onart captures these with the visions of both photographer and poet. His accompanying commentary then enhances our pleasure in this striking "Room for Light.”

Susan Donnelly, Poet and Teacher


Encouraging words…

There is a joy in your work.

Mary Buchinger Bodwell, Poet